Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Unload - Don't Overload

Unloader Knee Braces apply a force to the leg that decreases the load on the affected area of the knee joint.

The inside half of the knee (the medial side) is more commonly affected. Unloader braces push or pull the lower part of the leg outwards, decreasing the load on the inside. Most brace companies also make a brace that can offload the outside half of the knee for those with lateral joint osteoarthritis.

If you got confused and ordered the wrong brace, not only wouldn't you be offloading the arthritic area, you would be compressing the worn part of the joint. This is likely to greatly increase your pain and other symptoms.

The moral to the story: If there is any doubt as to where you arthritis is located, speak to your doctor first.

This knowledge is absolutely required before you buy an unloading knee brace.

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